+91 9447795118
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Rubber collection

Rubber collection has traditionally

Good Cusomer Care

we provide good customer care


We Available 9 Am To 6Pm


Year of Experience

We Help For your Farming number +91 9447795118

We are one of largest rubber plant producer in kerala. Producing more than two lakhs plants every year. We thankfully remember our well satisfied customers across kerala since 1978. Their trust made us more responsible towords them.

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Award Winning

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Dedicated Team

The benefits of a dedicated team include a more focused approach to the project, better communication, and faster turnaround times.


Happy Clients


Garden Complated


Dedicated Staff


Awards Achieved

Why Choosing Us!

Few Reasons Why People Choosing Us!

Quality rubber plants: Customers may choose a rubber nursery owner who consistently provides high-quality rubber plants. Quality plants are more likely to survive and thrive in their new environment, which can save the customer time and money in the long run.

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100% Satisfaction

Dedicated Team

Modern Equipment

Our Projects

Some Of Our Wonderful Projects

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Pruning plants

Irrigation & Drainage

Garden Maintenance

Green Technology

Urban Gardening

Other Details

We Have Several Collabs with Other Plants. !

Collaboration between different plants, also known as plant-plant interactions, is a common phenomenon in nature. .

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